در حال نمایش 2 نتیجهمرتبسازی بر اساس جدیدترین
standard kalimba soft case
امتیاز 0 از 5
Standard kalimba soft case suitable for all kinds of wooden kalimbas
This bag has an inner foam layer and that's it
Causes the kalimba against any species
Protects shock and moisture.

kalimba soft case
Tips for Kalimba longevity:
Kalimba needs care like any other instrument
and especially from its wooden body and blades
It is better to maintain with the following considerations.
It is better to keep the wooden kalimba away from
moisture and light
Keep away from direct sunlight and from the ground
Do not touch it wet or wet, until the body
Do not damage your woodworking.
sometimes, wipe the blades with a soft cloth
Back and forth (to polishing mode)
Clean and shine to keep their beauty and polish forever
Also, the wooden body of the kalimba with a soft cloth
(no need to moisturize and disinfect)
Clean it so that it always stays clean, beautiful and healthy.
Cleaning the kalimba increases its useful life
So don't ignore it.
It is better to carry the kalimba than the soft case
Use a kalimba bag so that the blades do not move
And put the kalimba instrument in the sutable place
To stay healthy and tune forever.
Kalimba aneko model k17-zebra
امتیاز 3.00 از 5